Our first fractal painting

At last! We already have our fractal painting, printed by Art&Vinilo, and we are going to hang it in the living room.

The first step was to decide where would we put it and how big it would be. We decided that it would go to a side wall of the living room, facing the window, and it would be 85cm wide and 60cm tall. This part was easy. At 300 points per inch this means 10039 by 7087 pixels.

But choosing the image was another kettle of fish. We didn’t want to get sick of seeing it in the living room after five days… I spent many hours computing fractals and choosing colors. It took us months to decide.

Finally we picked this one:


Download in giant format (beware: 72’6 MB)

We ordered the printing to Art&Vinilo and the result is splendid. The gradients are perfect. The level of detail is awesome. You need to look at it very close, with good light and good seeing to distinguish the ink dots.

Here are a couple of photos:



Now we have to hang it :-)

Another day I will upload the candidate fractals that didn’t make it to the print. Now I look at some of them and I hardly believe I could find them beautiful one day. How volatile is this thing of aesthetics.